Visit the Big Chair Chess Club House in DC

Completed: 9. Visit the Big Chair Chess Club House in DC

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One afternoon while I was bored at home, I randomly started watching a movie called “Life of a King, ” starring Cuba Gooding. Jr. who plays an ex con who was released from prison and became an incredible role model through chess.

I didn’t realize it was a true story until the very end. While playing chess in prison, Eugene Brown learned valuable life lessons. Once he was out, he paid it forward and this house served a place for kids to learn how to play chess and more importantly, stay off the streets.

To be fair, the movie itself wasn’t great, but Eugene’s story is amazing. I was moved enough to visit the house in DC. I didn’t want to go into the house, I just wanted to see it. I didn’t want to disrupt people playing chess just to snoop around and be nosy.  Good thing for me, it was closed on the day I went up there.


The big chair chess club was formed to “reach the unreachable and teach the unteachable by instilling the motive always think before you move.” Think before reacting. 

“Take care of the king, everything else follows.”

You can watch Eugene’s Ted Talk below. I hope his story inspires you as much as it did me.


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